Pre’s Pico de Gallo

For a really long time, I did not like tomatoes. And I had forgotten this until my little sister pointed it out during her visit.

I am not entirely sure when my feelings changed, but I think it was when I started growing my own vegetables. Having a garden is incredibly rewarding. I can’t imagine not enjoying the tomatoes from my garden. Something about homegrown tomatoes…they just taste better.

Hello tomatoes…I think I love you.

That was when my fiance and I decided to try our hand at home made Pico de Gallo. The result was amazing. And so easy!

Pre’s Pico de Gallo


  • 5 or 6 medium tomatoes
  • 1 lime
  • 1 or 2 jalapeños (depending on your desired spiciness)
  • 1 medium white onion
  • fresh cilantro
  • salt and pepper to taste

You’ll also need:

  • Chopping board
  • Knife
  • Large bowl

Start by rolling your lime on your cutting board, this will make it easier to juice.

Next, squeeze the juice from the lime into a bowl.

Slice your jalapeño in half, remove the seeds. This is important because if you leave them in, your pico will be very spicy. I recommend starting with half a jalapeño and tasting your pico. You can always add more if you prefer it to be spicier.

Finely chop your jalapeño.

Next, dice your tomatoes and onions. Gently wash your cilantro to remove traces of dirt and remove the stems.

Combine all of the ingredients and all salt and pepper to taste.

This recipe is fresh and delicious. It’s also a hit with guests.

Eat with chips, wrapped in a tortilla or by the spoonful. I’ve done all three.


2 responses to “Pre’s Pico de Gallo

  1. Aren’t tomatoes like one of the fruits that has the highest content of pesticides in the US? Maybe I’m just making that up, but that could be why homegrown tomatoes from your garden are significantly more delicious.

    I made this last night! Pico Tacos!

    • Store bought tomatoes do not taste like home grown tomatoes, that is for sure! I’m not sure about the stats on pesticides, but buying organic is always ideal. Stay away from those nasty pesticides!

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